7 min. read

Top 20 Best Websites to Buy Fake Designer Bags in the UK
The UK is home to several renowned luxury brands, including Burberry, Mulberry, Alexander McQueen, Bennett Winch, and a lot more. Moreover, cities like London, Birmingham, and Liverpool are very popular for their fashion scene.
All of these reasons make the UK a perfect destination for buying high-quality fake designer handbags. Thanks to e-commerce, we can now purchase products from the UK and get them delivered to our homes across the world. But there are two aspects of purchasing replica handbags in the UK-
- Finding the best places to buy fake designer bags in the UK
- Getting the handbags shipped to an international destination
In this post, we’ll take a detailed look at both of these aspects to help you find the best replica handbags online. Let’s begin with some of the top UK online stores for purchasing fake designer bags-
Etsy, the US-headquartered e-commerce platform, has subsidiaries in many countries including the UK. If you’re searching for quality copy designer bags, Etsy UK is one of the best places. From Yves Saint Laurent to Versace and Steve Madden, you can find a wide range of options at great prices. Don’t forget to check the seller rating before placing an order to ensure you get the best products.
Amazon UK is also a gold mine for ladies looking for replicas of handbags from luxury brands. These replicas don’t use the real brand name but have designs that are heavily inspired by genuine products. So, you’ll have to spend some time going through the available options and selecting ones that look great and have excellent ratings.
We all know eBay and how we can find amazing deals on this multinational e-commerce platform. There are several UK sellers available on the platform who sell high-quality replica handbags. Just visit eBay UK, and search for designer handbags and you’ll be presented with hundreds of great options. As many of the sellers don’t use the actual brand name, shop around for a while and you are sure to find great deals on quality products.

The Luxury Tag is a leading online store for designer replica bags in the UK. Select from a vast array of luxury brands, like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and a lot more, to add to your handbag collection. These first-copy replicas look very similar to the real deal but are available at a significantly cheaper price.
LilySite is another e-commerce platform that sells a wide range of first-copy designer handbags. Whether you’re looking for the world-renowned Chanel Mini Evening Bag or the Dior Saddle Bag, LilySite is a one-stop handbag destination. Apart from handbags, the store also has a vast collection of replica shoes, clothes, and a lot more.
Searching for designer-inspired handbags in the UK? Visit SallyShop. You can find an extensive range of replica handbags from all the global brands including Gucci, YSL, Prada, Dior, and a lot more at super affordable prices. As the new releases sell out quickly, it’d be wise to make a selection and place your order at the earliest.
DHGate is more of an online marketplace where global sellers sell their products to people across the world. Visit the platform and you can find several UK-based sellers offering the first copy of designer handbags from all the leading brands. With prices starting from as little as £50, you can steal great deals on handbags at DHGate.
Whether you’re looking for first copies of tote bags, shoulder bags, or clutches from luxury brands, DaphneSale is the place to be. With detailed product descriptions, seller ratings, and great discounts, the online platform makes buying luxury handbags replica in the UK a breeze.
As the name suggests, ReplicaWests is your one-stop destination for purchasing a vast range of replica products, including handbags, footwear, and more. The handbags are available in limited quantities but the quality is top-notch. It’d be a real challenge to find any significant differences between a real luxury handbag and one purchased from ReplicaWests.

High-quality replica handbags at highly discounted prices! What else do you need? If you’re from an international location and looking for the best quality replica handbags in the UK, HaileyShop is an excellent choice. Apart from handbags, you can also find a vast collection of designer clothes, shoes, and accessories.
While SehaBags mostly sells pre-owned luxury handbags, you can also find a small collection of first copies. Pre-owned can also be a great option, especially if you can find one of great quality and an even better price. Visit SehaBags and look around to see if you can find an amazing deal on any of the pre-owned or replica handbags.
Made in China connects buyers with leading Chinese suppliers. And if you know anything about handbags, even genuine products are often manufactured in China. So, this can be a great source to purchase designer bag dupes at significantly lower prices. However, some of the replicas can only be purchased in multiple quantities.
Find top replicas of handbags and footwear at BagsShoesFR. Be it Prada, Hermes, Valentino, Saint Laurent, or Christian Louboutin, this UK online store has all of it and a lot more. While the prices are slightly higher than many other platforms from this list, you do get amazing quality in return. It has replica handbags across categories to ensure you can find one that suits your personality.
Moda Mall is an exclusive online mall for replica handbags. It has first copies of handbags from all the leading fashion brands and newer products are regularly added to leave shoppers spoilt for choices. The online store has an excellent support team as well to help you through the buying process. Moreover, it also has a generous returns policy, not offered by many stores that deal in replica products.

Your search for the best places to buy fake designer bags in the UK should end at ReplicaBags. The widest selection of top-quality products available at super affordable prices makes it a popular online store for replica handbags. The online store regularly offers generous discounts to make the deal sweeter for every buyer.
Want to purchase a stylish shoulder bag from Chanel? How about a Gucci clutch? Head over to APurse for an extensive collection of first-copy handbags from many leading brands. With great prices and genuine buyer reviews, APurse is one of the best online platforms for purchasing designer-inspired handbags in the UK.
The next on this list is SheLuxury. The online UK store offers a wide range of replica handbags from top brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Celine, Gucci, and more. Many of the latest releases by these fashion brands are made available on SheLuxury in as little as two weeks. Browse through their vast collection and get yourself a high-quality replica handbag today.
Have you checked out the latest Bottega Veneta Double Knot Bag? Looks one of a kind and definitely deserves a spot in your bag collection. But guess what? You don’t have to spend a bomb on purchasing the real bag. You can buy a first copy of this bag and many others at Tracob Shop. The online store also has an Instagram page you can follow to stay updated about the latest releases.
Wardow is a multinational online store that sells handbags, luggage, backpacks, accessories, and more. It offers a vast collection of first-copy handbags from several brands like Valentino, Emporio Armani, Ralph Lauren, and more. While this is not the cheapest place to buy copy designer bags, it sure offers great quality.

PurseValley is a leading online store that offers a wide range of fashion products, including handbags, watches, shoes, jewelry, and more. Whether you want to purchase a Luous Vuitton or a Balenciaga copy handbag, this is the place where you can find them at highly discounted prices. You can also check out the extensive watch collection to go with your handbag.
Now to the next aspect- getting the handbags shipped internationally. Here’s the solution-
Use JetKrate to Purchase Copies of Designer Handbags in the UK
When you visit these stores offering designer handbags copies in the UK, you’ll see that the majority of them don’t offer international shipping.If you are not a resident of the UK, you can still purchase products using our parcel forwarding service. For example, if you live in Italy, you can easily receive products from these shops through our UK to Italy parcel forwarding service.
Want to know how this works? Visit JetKrate to know how we can help.
1. Where can I find the best quality fake designer handbags in the UK?
You can visit any of the online stores listed in this post to purchase high-quality copies of designer handbags from global luxury brands.
2. Can you trust online stores selling first-copy luxury handbags?
It is recommended that you check seller ratings and user reviews before purchasing to ensure you only deal with trustworthy online stores.
3. How long does it take for an online store in the UK to ship products internationally?
Many of the online stores in the UK that sell copies of luxury handbags don’t offer international shipping. You can use JetKrate to get your products shipped to any part of the world.
4. Can I purchase designer bag dupes in bulk?
Yes, online stores like Made in China listed above offer designed bag dupes in bulk quantities.
5. How much do luxury handbag copies cost?
The pricing varies based on the handbag model, brand, and quality. But rest assured, you’ll be saving a significant amount of money by purchasing a high-quality first copy of a designer handbag.